Our Prayer for You, We Love You!

Lord, we come to you as we are, as you made us and to report for duty!

Please guide everyone's heart that reads this to be given the passion to carry your word, to tell of you, your promises, your law, and your love. You are coming back and we all want to be ready with a HUGE family to spend eternity with. Guide us Lord through the Holy Spirit to touch our lives and the lives of others. We may plant a seed, we may water it, we may care for it, we may harvest it. Wherever you place us, let us shine for you, In Jesus's mighty name, Amen.

If this is your first time encountering the Lord, or you have been away for a while, WELCOME! We invite you to invite the Lord into your life now:

Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, I am sorry for not placing you first, I welcome you in my life as my Saviour, love me, lead me, guide me, correct me, send me out for you. You are the son of God, who died for me and rose on the 3rd day. In Jesus name Amen!

We want to pray with you & share your testimony!


Share yours to inspire others in their journey!